There are Ads in the Feed too :).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ahh no clickers >.>

Don't forget to click on my site people >.>. Ads :).

Friday, April 2, 2010

Time to train.

Now I know that I'm slow >.>. Intend to start training on my 800.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've came back :D.

Yes I have came back people. Apparently in the last 7 days or so that I was gone I got 44 clicks. Thats pretty amazing. Or so I think :D. I had a fun time at Las Vegas and Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon still had snow! So I was throwing snowballs at my dad. I have around $30 now but I know I can get more later. Thanks everyone.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My cyclo Ds came in xD

Yay my cyclo ds came in :). Not alot of people coming to this site anymore... Actually it probably stopped... But im still writing blogs :D. Well thanks for all the people who actually did come and click. I raised around 13.76 cents from you guys and I think thats satisfactory enough. They say google is going to compete agaisnt ebay and their paypal, when that comes, im going to transfer my money to there and use it to get more people to this site :D. Pretty much last blog in awhile. Im leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow and then going to the grand canyon xD. Don't stalk me. Click ads while im gone :D. See you people.

Monday, March 15, 2010

For those who read this blog.

I'm getting a Cyclo Ds soon and I want your opinion on what games I should download. If you can, take some time to comment below. Also Click ads, raised quite a bit, more then I ever expected actually. Thank you guys for taking your time to help me out. I'll tell you guys a bit about the process. They have to send me a confirmation to my mailbox with a code so they know that I gave the correct address. Then They will either send me a check or have the money wired to a bank account, depending whether my dad trusts Google or not. If I have to get a Check written out for him, then it will take about three weeks. They send it the first week of the month, and it said that the check will usually come at the end of the month. But for now I'm just waiting for the confirmation code. Keep clicking ads people.

Jolie: "Write a Blog about me"

Writing a blog just about you would be insanely hard. But I love you anyway.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


On Friday I'll be gone till Thursday the next week. I'm going to Las vegas and Grand Canyon :D. Thanks again all of you for clicking on my ads in your spare time. I know its boring but it helps me a lot. Also if you guys can, I would like it if everyone who comes to this site to bring more people to this site to increase my revenue. It seems that less and less people are coming to this site and I see its because it has no interest to them, but help a guy out no? Donations through pay-pal would help tremendously if anyone wants to. Send it to Of course probably most of you don't even use pay-pal. It still would be appreciated if you sent some. Also if you are from HBA and you come to this site. If you have free use of someones credit card and can send funds through paypal, I'll pay you at school and you send me the same amount through paypal. You go first however. Contact me if you want to do a transaction. Anyway Happy spring break to all. Even though you guys are monotonously clicking ads, your helping me a lot :). One click can make a boy happy :).

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Concerning the Ads Continuation

Yup. The ads with words and images in it are very good profit for me :). three clicks got me $1.20 ea. Keep up the good work people :) and thank you for taking the time for clicking the ads on this site. If you want to know how much money I have earned so far, click the Update Tab near the top of the blog :P.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Concerning the Ads.

I believe the ads with picture and huge bar and images give the most income... Click those :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Second in a slow heat.

Runners to your blocks. Get set. Bang! Eight people run off in their separate lanes for the 200m dash. Intermediate kids sprint down the curve and I see myself pretty much in the back for the beginning. When we hit the straight, I see other people start to drop behind me as I gain places. 4th, 3rd, then 2nd. I keep my sprint and I see the finish line. I hear another persons foot steps gaining on me. I try to stay in front but I start seeing there feet close to mine. We sprint it out, and I have a step before him in the finish line. This is officially my favorite meet. My time was 27.5 kind of average for 8th grade.

I set up an RSS feed, Click ads there too :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hba people.

If you are the people from Hba that Found this link perhaps... Click ads please :). They will give me some income for stuff that I may need in the future... Like Drum stuff... Bookmark and click every so often. Click as much ads as you want, come back daily to help me raise more money :). Theres no catch, all you have to is click the ad :). If you want to make a website then I suggest you go to freewebs and use adsense to gain money.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Haven't been keeping up with this thing but Blogs don't have to be updated every day. Track meet wasn't as bad as before but I think I still need to run faster. Overall I think my weekend has been good. My blogs are short but tell my point across :P.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Yea if you guys ever went to a site called Trekpay, a site that is a pay per click. Is it all cut out to what it should be? I mean I try it and only get a little income from it :). I mean its just a little side project that I do daily, but you guys should go see it and try click ads for a week and give feed back.

Click on my ads too under my posts. Gives me faster ad revenue :).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meh it was nothing

It didn't seem like much. The wave that they were expecting turned out to be a huge let down. So much for all those sirens in the morning that woke people up...

Tsunami Warning

Whatever you call a immensely big wave that can destroy towns, Hawaii is getting a warning for one. Apparently drastic changes in the water are occurring so it might be imminent soon. This was caused by an 8.8 scaled earthquake in Chile and its coming for us! Hm I wonder if I can go to drumming today.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Honolulu Advertiser

I think that the Honolulu Advertiser being bought out sucks for me. My dad works there and like he's getting a pay cut of 50%... I dunno how rough life is going to be now, but I'm going to try conserve a bit more money now a days.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Intense Training

Okay so I go to school all tired like all kids do. Its 6:00 Am and I realize we have a Personal Best in P.E today. I'm say to myself that my day is ruined already. I finally get to 4th period which is my P.E class. I go out and do 67 sit ups in a minute, 35 push ups, and 23 laps around our small middle school basketball court. Yea you think thats easy? We come outside that feeling horrible and we get through the next three periods and then I get on the bus to go where? Go to Track practice! Yea so I get there with tightened muscles and they feel like S--- and we go run five 300's for our practice. Yes this would be easy on a normal day but when I am cramping up like this and it actually FEELS better to run, then you know I'm in pain. Yea so I just burned everyone in Intermediate because I just wanted to get it done and I went home. This was my rant for today...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


When I don't have something specific to talk about I'll just write one of these blank messaged posts. Well I woke up not to long ago and I was tired. I walked downstairs to go lie on the couch and 20 minutes later like usual I go jump on the computer. My eyes aren't very used to the sun yet so my eyes are irritated as the sun gleans through the windows. Then my mom calls me to go outside and bring her something. I walk outside and my eyes are horribly aching now. All of you probably had this before. Oh well I live my life how I live my life I guess. Also over last Friday I ran at a track meet. I ran the 100 and the 400 unexpected. The 100 I ran in 13.5. Then my 400 was 65.05. Take into consideration that I'm 13 :).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sliding down a pole.

Everyday at least once, I hear people talk on the radio about Miley Cyrus pole dancing. I mean what of it man? Its like they over obsess about it because its Miley Cyrus and shes from Disney Channel. Who cares if she's from Disney, shes a normal person who just held the pole to keep her balance. I bet when normal men go to the bar and see someone pole dancing they think nothing of it, but then they go on the internet and there's this explosion about Miley Cyrus supposedly pole dancing at concert in front of millions of children who look up to her. I think you people have to think twice before you start saying Miley Cyrus pole danced! Because it just looked like her grabbing on the pole so she wouldn't fall down in front of millions of people. I think all of you haters are just jealous that Miley has more fans then you will ever have. I'm not saying I support her fully, it's just I thought about writing this when I heard it over the radio not to long ago.

World Domination and Teacher Domination.

How strange as how world leaders convince you to do things by good communication skills and good understanding of the human nature, and teachers convince you to do your homework by threatening, intimidating grades. Teachers give us homework to grasp a better understanding of the material they teach in class, but do kids understand? Most kids see homework as a bore. I am one of them also, but after some time thinking about it in my head I realized something. They don't hate us for giving us a lot of homework, they want us to grasp this knowledge so we can apply it to somewhere else in life.
For example, I have sentence diagramming with my English Teacher as an assignment due on Monday. I kind of groaned at first, but thinking it over again I realized that we will have a test on this soon and this is good practice so we don't fail miserably on the test. Oh look what an epiphany I had. We might as well do the homework now and be all fussy about it, then be horrified on the grade we get when the teacher passes back a test. Don't you think the teacher is worse when she doesn't explain anything to you? Homework is just a recap on what you learned that day, so use it to your advantage! One day you might be a teacher and you will see the value in giving your students homework so they can remember the material you just went over.

Anyway this is my talk about homework for now. Lets all be more enthusiastic about homework! Or at least try to be.